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Best Energy-Saving Devices for Your Home

Are you looking to save energy and reduce your monthly bills? The solution may be right at your fingertips. Investing in energy-saving devices can make your home more efficient and reduce your carbon footprint. From smart thermostats to LED light bulbs, there are plenty of options that can help you save money while also benefiting the environment. In this article, we'll explore the best energy-saving devices for your home and provide tips on how to make the most of them. Whether you want to upgrade your appliances or switch out your light bulbs, we've got you covered. The best part is that you can find all the devices we mention in-store and online here at DID.

Air Fryers

Air fryers are a relatively new kitchen appliance that has gained popularity due to their ability to cook quickly and with less oil than traditional frying methods. In addition to these benefits, air fryers are also one of our favourite energy-saving kitchen gadgets. Firstly, air fryers use a fraction of the energy that conventional ovens use for cooking the same amount of food. This is because air fryers cook food by circulating hot air around it in a much smaller cavity, which requires less energy than heating up an entire oven. It might not be suitable for your large Christmas turkey. But for most weekly meals the air fryer is the perfect energy-saving alternative. 

Secondly, air fryers can also help you to save energy by reducing cooking times. Since air fryers cook food faster than traditional methods, they use less energy overall. This is especially true for typically fried foods, which can take a long time to cook in oil. 

Finally, air fryers also have the added benefit of being smaller and more compact than ovens, meaning they take up less space and require less energy to heat up. Check out our large selection of air fryers right here. We have Dual air fryers and different styles of fryers from leading brands such as Tower, Tefal and Ninja. If that isn't enough, we also have a 'how to use your air fryer guide' online too.

Heat Pump Tumble Dryers

Heat pump tumble dryers are an efficient and energy-saving alternative to traditional dryers. They work by using a heat pump to extract moisture from the clothing and recycle the hot air rather than expelling it outside as traditional dryers do. This means that heat pump dryers use less energy, lowering energy bills and reducing environmental impact.

Heat pump dryers are much more efficient than conventional dryers, reducing energy consumption by up to 50%. They also have a longer lifespan, so you can save money on replacement costs in the long run. Heat pump dryers offer a gentler and more effective drying process, reducing clothing wear and tear, ultimately leading to longer-lasting clothes. Take a look at our selection of heat pump dryers right here.

Your Appliance Eco Setting

The eco setting on your washing machine and dishwasher can help you save energy and reduce your environmental impact. These settings use less water and energy than traditional settings, resulting in lower utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint. Eco settings work by reducing the amount of hot water and electricity needed to run these appliances, which can make a significant difference in your energy usage over time. By using the eco setting on your washing machine and dishwasher, you can enjoy clean clothes and dishes while doing your part to conserve resources and protect the planet. 

Browse our selection of eco-friendly dishwashers and washing machines here.


Using microwaves can help you save energy in several ways. First, microwaves cook food faster than traditional ovens, using less energy. This means you can reduce your energy consumption and save money on your electricity bill. Additionally, microwaves are more efficient at heating small portions of food, which can help reduce food waste and further lower your environmental impact. Finally, because microwaves do not require preheating, you can save time and energy by using them instead of traditional ovens. 

Overall, microwaves are an energy-efficient and convenient way to prepare food while reducing your carbon footprint. Here at DID, we have a massive selection of microwaves from leading brands like LG, Bosch and Neff, so don't delay and grab yourself a brand-new microwave today.

Electric Blankets

Electric blankets are a cost-effective and energy-efficient way to stay warm and cosy during colder months. Using an electric blanket can reduce your reliance on central heating systems, saving you money on your energy bills. Electric blankets also use less energy than traditional space heaters and can warm up specific areas of your home without wasting heat in unused rooms. 

Also, because electric blankets are designed to keep you warm while you sleep, you can turn down your thermostat at night, reducing energy consumption. By investing in an electric blanket, you can enjoy a warm and comfortable night's sleep while reducing your environmental impact and saving money on your energy bills.

LED Bulbs

LED bulbs are a popular and energy-efficient alternative to traditional incandescent bulbs. They use less energy to produce the same amount of light, which can help reduce your energy bills and lower your environmental impact. LED bulbs also last longer than traditional bulbs, meaning you won't need to replace them as often, saving you money in the long run. Additionally, LED bulbs do not emit heat like traditional bulbs, which can help keep your home cooler and is safer around young children.

While LED bulbs may be more expensive to purchase upfront, they offer significant savings over time and are a wise investmentfor anyone looking to reduce their energy consumption and save money on their utility bills. Here at DID, we stock both LED bulbs and smart LED bulbs, so you are really spoiled for choice.

Slow Cookers

Slow cookers are a great way to save energy and money in the kitchen. They are the perfect energy-saving gadget. Slow cookers use less energy than conventional ovens, as they require lower temperatures to cook food over a longer period. This means you can reduce energy consumption and save money on electricity bills.

 Additionally, slow cookers allow you to prepare meals in advance, which can help you avoid expensive takeout meals or last-minute trips to the grocery store. They also make it easy to cook large quantities of food, which you can then store for future meals, further reducing food waste and saving you money. Using a slow cooker, you can enjoy delicious, home-cooked meals while reducing your environmental impact and saving money. 

At DID, we have a great collection of slow cookers to choose from, and online, we even have a quick and easy slow cooker guide and a stunning selection of slow cooker recipes, so you can save money and energy in style.

energy-saving FAQs

What is a heat pump tumble dryer, and how does it save energy?

A heat pump tumble dryer uses a heat pump to extract moisture from clothes and recycle hot air, reducing energy consumption by up to 50% compared to traditional dryers. By recycling hot air and reducing the amount of energy needed to dry clothes, heat pump tumble dryers can save you money in the long run. They are a great energy-saving alternative to a vented or condensor tumble dryer.

Is a Heat Pump tumble dryer the best type of dryer?

A heat pump dryer is an excellent choice if you are looking for an energy-efficient and eco-friendly option. They are the perect energy-saving alternative to a standard tumble dryer. These dryers use a heat exchanger to recycle hot air, resulting in less energy consumption and lower electricity bills. Additionally, they operate at lower temperatures, making them gentler on clothes and reducing wear and tear. However, they may take longer to dry clothes than conventional dryers, which can be a drawback if you are in a hurry. Overall, if you prioritize energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, and gentler drying, a heat pump dryer is likely the best option for you.

How do LED bulbs work, and how can they save energy and money?

LED bulbs use less energy to produce the same amount of light as traditional bulbs, resulting in lower energy bills and environmental impact. LED bulbs also last longer than traditional bulbs, reducing the frequency of replacements and saving you money. They are a great energy-saving laternative to standard bulbs.

How can using a smart thermostat help me save energy and money?

A smart thermostat can help you save energy and money by automatically adjusting your home's temperature based on your preferences and schedule. This can help you avoid wasting energy heating or cooling an empty home. Some smart thermostats can also learn your behaviour over time and make suggestions to optimize energy consumption. They are perfect for any home that is concious about energy-saving.

Do slow cookers use a lot of eletricity?

Slow cookers are generally very energy-efficient appliances. They use low temperatures and long cooking times, which allows for the gradual cooking of food without requiring much power. The amount of energy used by a slow cooker is typically much lower than that of an oven or hob, especially if you are cooking a large or complex meal. Additionally, slow cookers can be used to cook meals in advance, allowing you to take advantage of off-peak electricity rates and further reducing your energy consumption. Overall, if you are concious of ebnergy saving in your kitchen, a slow cooker is an excellent choice.

Are air fried foods healthy?

Air fryers have become increasingly popular as a healthier alternative to deep frying. They use hot air to cook food, which results in a crispy texture without the need for excess oil. While air fryers can be a good option for reducing fat and calories in certain foods, they are not a magic solution to unhealthy eating. The healthiness of air fried foods depends on the ingredients used, the portion size, and the overall diet. It is still important to choose whole, nutrient-dense foods and limit intake of processed and fried foods
